Aside from Prof. Nießner's project it includes subprojects from Prof. Daniel Cremers (Computer Vision Group), Prof. Laura Leal-Taixé (Dynamic Vision and Learning Group), Prof. Rüdiger Westermann (Chair of Computer Graphics and Visualization), and Prof. Nils Thuerey (Physics-based Simulation Group). Prof. Nießner, Prof. Cremers, and Prof. Leal-Taixé are members of the MDSI.
The use of machine learning methods has practically revolutionized the field of Visual Computing. Despite all the progress being made in this area the use of artificial neural networks in practical applications still remains a challenge, because learning with real data is time-consuming and complex. This is where the research group "Learning and Simulation in Visual Computing" comes together and will develop new simulation and learning techniques. The most important objective is to better understand the connection between simulated and real training data and to identify the key features influencing the effectiveness of the learning process.
Source: DFG and Department of Informatics.