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How to find us?

We are located at

Walther-von-Dyck-Str. 10, 85748 Garching, Germany,
GALILEO Garching,
TUM Building 05.8120.017,
Entrance 8,
5th floor.

If you travel by car, you can plan your journey via Google Maps. Paid parking is available in the Galileo underground parking lot or at the Park & Ride Garching Forschungszentrum. Free parking is available at the TUM parking lot.

If you use public transportation, please consider the MVV-Journey Planner to calculate your route to the nearby station Garching Forschungszentrum. With the U6 you can reach us from Marienplatz in 25 min.

Further locations

Members of the MDSI are located at various places in Munich and Garching. Please find contact information on the websites of our focus groups and members' chairs.