MDSI is committed to cutting-edge collaborative research and innovation. This comprises
- fundamental research in the mathematical, statistical, informatical, and algorithmic foundations of data science in general and machine learning in particular, as well as their innovative application in fields such as computer vision, computational biology, or remote sensing;
- fundamental research in domain-specific data analytics and machine learning across TUM's portfolio of disciplines (natural sciences, engineering sciences, life sciences and medicine, economics, and social sciences);
- transfer of novel algorithmic solutions to promising fields of application, to industry partners, or to data-related start-ups.
While trans-disciplinary activities are in the focus, there is also space for disciplinary (collaborative) research. Thus, MDSI strengthens ongoing collaborative research at TUM (e.g., Clusters of Excellence, Collaborative Research Centers, joint labs) and acts as a fertilizer or even nucleus of future collaborative research initiatives across TUM.