MDSI Seminar & Workshop for Doctoral Researchers

Research Seminar & Workshop on Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Topics

In the fields of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, researchers from different areas come together. Interdisciplinary collaboration increasingly enables breakthroughs, discoveries, and scientific progress. Yet, due to the high degree of specialization in each field, communication across disciplines is not always easy. In this seminar & workshop, we aim at connecting young researchers, facilitating interdisciplinary communication, and enabling new collaborations.  


The kick-off workshop teaches doctoral researchers how to communicate their research effectively across all data science-relevant research areas. In the professional training, they learn which aspects play a special role in interdisciplinary presentations and how to identify points of contact.

Research Seminar

The goal of the event is interdisciplinary networking and exchange of the PhD students’ research in the field of data science. To initiate this, two doctoral researchers will give presentations on the current state of their work, highlighting technical challenges and problems. Following this, the participants are invited to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. 

Time & Place


Free of charge.


May 6, 2024.


MDSI (Walther-von-Dyck-Str.10, 05.8120.017, Galileo Building, Entrance 8, 5th floor, blue conference room)

Frequency: 1x per term.
Participation: Registration required.

Time & Place


Free of charge.


May 27, June 17 and July 15, 10am to 1pm.


MDSI (Walther-von-Dyck-Str.10, 05.8120.017, Galileo Building, Entrance 8, 5th floor, blue conference room)

Participation: Registration required.
All doctoral researchers linked to MDSI through their supervisor can join our program.


Additional Benefits

MDSI aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines to lay the foundation for future collaborations and consequently seeks to support interdisciplinary research projects. For doctoral researchers who discovered a potential joint research project during the seminar and now look to further explore the topic in a workshop, MDSI offers funding and organizational support.

The workshop and seminar form a mandatory part of MDSI's data science training program.