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Center for Digital Medicine and Health (ZDMG)

Federal and state governments promote the ZDMG at TUM's MRI Hospital to develop new approaches to data science and AI in clinical applications. MDSI core member Daniel Rückert will head the center.

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SyBenDaFin in Why machine learning quants need 'golden' datasets

The MDSI Seed Funds project SyBenDaFin aims at defining gold standard synthetic benchmark datasets for finance. PI Blanka Horvath has spoken with on why these are so important for quants.

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MDSI Successful in Young Talent Program for AI

In the global competition for future top researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, Technische Universität München has been able to achieve two major successes. The German Academic Exchange…

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ERC Advanced Grants for MDSI Members Prof. Resconi and Prof. Theis

Building a deep-sea telescope to find cosmic particles and using machine learning to predict the effects of drugs on cells - these are the goals of projects by MDSI members Prof. Resconi and Prof.…

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MDSI Advisory Board Appointed

We are very pleased to announce that the MDSI advisory board was appointed recently by TUM's president.