
Upcoming Events

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4th GraphNeT Workshop: Graph Neural Networks and Beyond

This is the fourth workshop dedicated to GraphNeT – A deep learning library for neutrino telescopes. The goal is to bring together researchers working at the intersection of neutrino telescope…

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Kaggle Munich Meetup

On May 13, MDSI is hosting the Munich Kaggle Meetup. Kaggle is a platform for data science competitions, where you can improve your skills and compete with others to solve real-world problems. Whether…

Past Events

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Getting Started with Microsoft Azure for Bioinformatics

We are pleased to announce the workshop Getting Started with Microsoft Azure for Bioinformatics. The workshop will cover success stories, a practical session (e.g. for deep learning), and best…

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PhD Training: A Human Rights-based Approach to AI Development

It is a common belief in the engineering and data science community that data presents neutrality and truth. In this course, we unpack this myth and demonstrate that data and AI systems are both…

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PhD Training: Entrepreneurial Mindset for Data Scientists

On April 19, MDSI offers an entrepreneurship training for doctoral students from data science, AI, ML and related backgrounds.