Smart public transpOrt infrastructure control system - an AI-Based ApproaCH to ensure safety, accessibility & efficiency of public Transport
Principal Investigators
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Bogenberger
Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control, Department of Mobility Systems Engineering, TUM School of Engineering and Design
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Althoff
Professorship for Cyber Physical Systems, Department of Computer Engineering, TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Motivation and Goals
This project investigates fully automated public transport (PT) systems in urban areas, focusing on the arrival, boarding, and departure process at PT stops, where human drivers currently intervene. By systematically analyzing and characterizing PT infrastructure, safety-critical scenarios at PT stops, and the present-day responsibilities of PT drivers, the limitations of exclusively vehicle-based functionalities are revealed. An AI-augmented, infrastructure-based control system will be developed to address these limitations and satisfy stringent regulatory requirements.
Recent Results
- Baseline analysis: Deriving functional requirements for fully automated PT systems based on human bus driver tasks.
- Data Collection: Drone and bicycle simulator datasets
- Model Development: A hybrid control framework for PT vehicles is designed to manage the decision-making and trajectory planning tasks.
Selected documentation
Submitted journal papers | Lindner, Johannes, et al. “Public Transport Goes Autonomous: Defining Functional Requirements for automated bus transit systems based on human driver tasks”. Transportation Research Record. 2024. |
Conference papers | Wang, Youran, et al. "Interaction-Aware Trajectory Repair in Compliance with Formalized Traffic Rules" in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024. Lindner, Johannes, et al. “Towards accessible autonomous public transport: Requirements of transit users with visual impairment and autism spectrum disorder”. International Conference on Travel Behavior. 2024. |