Hans Fischer Fellowship Program
The TUM Georg Nemetschek Institute (GNI) collaborates with TUM-IAS (Institute for Advanced Study) on the call for applications for Hans Fischer GNI Fellowships. While the GNI is responsible for the definition of specific research fields for one of these fellowships annually and provides for its funding, the IAS – together with the GNI Scientific Advisory Board –performs the evaluation and connects IAS Fellows with its large and multidisciplinary scholarly community, offering comprehensive professional support services during the fellowship.
Aiming to explore new scientific areas and to establish and extend, long-term collaborations, Hans Fischer (for early-career researchers) and Hans Fischer Senior Fellowships offer outstanding guest scientists optimal conditions for working with their Munich partners. In addition to personal support, the Fellowship includes the funding for a doctoral researcher for three years, jointly advised by the Fellow and their host institute at TUM.
Please check the IAS website, for more information on the Hans Fischer Fellowship.
Current Fellows
Siobhan Rockcastle has been selected as a Hans Fischer GNI fellow at the Technical University of Munich.
Siobhan is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Oregon, Director of the Baker Lighting Lab and co-founder of OCULIGHT dynamics, a company offering daylight design support to promote healthy indoor occupation. She examines topics at the intersection of architectural design, environmental dynamics, human perception, and lighting performance with a focus on well-being. Her research uses both experimental design and building simulation to measure and evaluate the impact of environmental conditions on human subjects. Siobhan was awarded the 2021 ARCC New Researcher Award and was on the organizing committee of two SimAUD symposia as Scientific Chair in 2018 and General Chair in 2019. She received her PhD in 2017 from the LIPID lab in the Doctoral Program in Architecture and Sciences of the City (EDAR) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL) where her dissertation was awarded with ‘special distinction‘.
Siobhan earned her professional BArch from Cornell University in 2008 and her SMArchS degree in Building Technology from MIT in 2011. Her previous academic experience includes assistant and full-time teaching positions at Cornell, Northeastern, MIT, and EPFL. Her professional work experience includes the companies KVA matX in Boston, Snøhetta NY, MSR design in Minneapolis, Epiphyte lab in Ithaca, and Gensler NY.
For more information, please see here
S. F. Rockcastle, M. Danell, E. Calabrese, G. Sollom-Brotherton, A. Mahic, K. Van Den Wymelenberg, and R. Davis.Comparing Perceptions of LED Lighting Between a Physical Space and Virtual Reality Display, Lighting Research and Technology, published online February 24, 2021. View at Sage Journals
M. L. Ámundadóttir, S. F. Rockcastle, M. Sarey Khanie, and M. Andersen. A human-centric approach to assess daylight for non-visual health potential, visual interest and gaze behavior, Building & Environment, Vol. 13, 2017. View at Science Direct
S. F. Rockcastle, M. L. Ámundadóttir and M. Andersen. Contrast measures for predicting perceptual effects of daylight in architectural renderings, accepted in Lighting Research and Technology, Vol. 40, Issue 7, 2017. View in Journal
S. F. Rockcastle, G. Whalen, R. Davis. Comparing perceptions of web-based 2D perspective and 360-degree navigable images with measurements from a physical space and a virtual reality headset, IES Annual Conference 2022, New Orleans, Aug. 18-20, 2022.
H. Parhizkar, M. Fretz, S. F. Rockcastle, K. Van Den Wymelenberg. A simulation-based approach to mitigate disease transmission risk from aerosol particles in buildings. SimAUD 2022, San Diego, July 18-19, 2022.
J. McLaughlin, M. Young and S. F. Rockcastle. Fine-grained measurement of the indoor built environment with robotic vacuum cleaners, Building Simulation 2021, Bruges, Sept. 1-3, 2021.
S. F. Rockcastle, M. Danell, L. Petterson, and M. L. Ámundadóttir. The Impact of Behavior on Healthy Circadian Light Exposure Under Daylight and Electric Lighting Scenarios, ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2020, Pacific Grove, Aug 16 – 21, 2020.
M. Danell, M. L. Ámundadóttir and S. F. Rockcastle. Evaluating Temporal and Spatial Light Exposure Profiles for Typical Building Occupants, SimAUD 2020, Virtual Conference, May 25 – 27, 2020 [Best Paper Award].
S. F. Rockcastle, M. L. Ámundadóttir and M. Andersen. The case for occupant-centric daylight analytics: a comparison of horizontal illumination and immersive view. BS2019 – 15th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, Rome, September 7-9, 2019.)
Elizabeth Qian has been selected as a Hans Fischer GNI fellow at the Technical University of Munich.
Elizabeth Qian is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, jointly appointed in the Schools of Aerospace Engineering and Computational Science and Engineering. Previously, she held the von Kármán Instructorship in applied and computational mathematics at the California Institute of Technology. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in aerospace engineering and her PhD in computational science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Qian’s cross-disciplinary research develops new computational methods to enable and accelerate engineering decision-making, with particular focus on methods for scientific machine learning and projection-based model reduction, and multifidelity methods for optimization and uncertainty quantification. Dr. Qian’s research has been used in diverse applications across aerospace sciences including simulation of rocket combustors and uncertainty quantification for space mission design, and the methods are more broadly applicable across disciplines. Dr. Qian serves on the technical committees for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization and Non-deterministic Approaches in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and is a member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
For more information, please see here
Q. Wang, S. Gomez, P. Blonigan, A. Gregory, and E. Qian. P20. Physics of Fluids, 25(11):110818, 2013
E. Qian, M. Grepl, K. Veroy, and K. Willcox. A certified trust region reduced basis approach to PDE-constrained optimization. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39(5):5–S460, 2017
E. Qian, B. Peherstorfer, D. O’Malley, V. Vesselinov, and K. Willcox. Multifidelity Monte Carlo estimation of variance and sensitivity indices. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 6(2):683–706, 2018. Awarded a SIAM Student Paper Prize in 2020
E. Qian, B. Kramer, B. Peherstorfer, and K. Willcox. Lift & Learn: Physics-informed machine learning for large-scale nonlinear dynamical systems. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 406:132401, 2020
E. Qian, J. M. Tabeart, C. A. Beattie, S. Gugercin, J. Jiang, P. R. Kramer, and A. Narayan. Model reduction of linear dynamical systems via balancing for Bayesian inference. Journal of Scientific Computing, 91(29), 2022
E. Qian, I.-G. Farcas, and K. Willcox. Reduced operator inference for nonlinear partial differential equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 44(4):A1934–A1959, 2022
G. Cataldo, E. Qian, and J. Auclair. Multifidelity uncertainty quantification and model validation of large-scale multidisciplinary systems. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 8(3):038001, 2022
M. de Hoop, D. Z. Huang, E. Qian, and A. Stuart. The cost-accuracy trade-off in operator learning with neural networks. Journal of Machine Learning, 1(3):299–341, 2022
Ghang Lee has been selected as a Hans Fischer Senior GNI fellow at the Technical University of Munich.
Ghang Lee is a Professor of Architecture and Architectural Engineering and the Director of the Building Informatics Group at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. His research focuses on building information modeling (BIM), interoperability, information requirements, and AI in construction. Dr. Lee has developed notable tools, including xPPM for information requirements (ISO 29481), a tower crane navigation system, an IoT-based exit sign system, a construction chatbot, and NADIA, a ‘speech to BIM’ tool. He has authored over 200 publications, including the BIM Handbook, and has been recognized by Stanford University and Elsevier as a top 2% scholar in building and construction. His awards include Korea’s Presidential Silver Medal, Yonsei’s Distinguished Teaching Award, and various research honors.
For more information, please see here
S. Jang, G. Lee, J. Oh, J. Lee, B. Koo, Automated detailing of exterior walls using NADIA: Natural-language-based architectural detailing through interaction with AI, Advanced Engineering Informatics 61 (2024) 102532. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2024.102532, RIS
Jang, S., & Lee, G. (2024). BIM Library Transplant: Bridging Human Expertise and Artificial Intelligence for Customized Design Detailing. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.https://doi.org/10.1061/JCCEE5.CPENG-5680, RIS
Jeon, K., Lee, G., Yang, S., Kim, Y., & Suh, S. (2024). "Dynamic building defect categorization through enhanced unsupervised text classification with domain-specific corpus embedding methods." Automation in Construction, 157, 105182.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2023.105182, RIS
Suh, S., Lee, G., Gil, D. & Kim, Y. (2023) Automated hand-marked semantic text recognition from photographs. Sci. Rep. 13, 14240.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41489-4, RIS
Lee, G., Jang, S., Lee, K., & Kim, M. (2023). Looking towards the Future of BIM in South Korea Towards AI-Enhanced BIM. Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 15(4), 1–6.https://doi.org/10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2023.04.01, RIS
Jang, S., Lee, G., Shin, S., Roh, H., 2023. Lexicon-based content analysis of BIM logs for diverse BIM log mining use cases. Advanced Engineering Informatics 57, 102079. doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2023.102079https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2023.102079, RIS
Cho, J., Lee, G., Song, T., Jeong, H.D., 2023. Chatbot-Engaged Construction Daily Work Report Using Mobile Messenger. Automation in Construction. 154 (105007) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2023.105007, RIS
Yong, G., Jeon, K., Gil, D., and Lee. G., (2023), "Prompt Engineering for Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Defect Detection and Classification Using a Visual-Language Pretrained Model". "Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (CACIE) 38(11) 1536-1554 https://doi.org/10.1111/mice.12954, RIS
Jeon, K., Lee, G.,Yang, S. and H. D. Jeong. (2022). "Named entity recognition of building construction defect information from text with linguistic noise." Automation in Construction 143: 104543.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104543, RIS
Son, S., Lee, G., Jung, J., Kim, J., and Jeon, K. (2022). "Automated generation of a model view definition from an information delivery manual using idmXSD and buildingSMART data dictionary." Advanced Engineering Informatics 54: 101731.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2022.101731, RIS