Sarah Muehlhaus, M.A., MBA
ITBE Study Coordination
Sarah is a researcher, a registered architect (since 2016), and the co-founder and board member of a housing cooperation (since 2017). She completed her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture at TUM, including 1,5 years of study abroad during her bachelor’s at the University of Sheffield in the dual study program architecture and landscape architecture. Sarah completed her MBA at the Munich Business School in 2020, where her thesis focused on the misalignment of stakeholder needs within urban planning public communication processes from a multistakeholder perspective.
Sarah works as an interdisciplinary researcher in the field of architectural informatics. She received an IGSSE Scholarship (2017-2020) for the research project Game.UP on gamification in urban planning, which enabled a two-month research stay in Singapore at the Future Cities Laboratory (FCL), Singapore-ETH Centre, ETH Zürich (2019). She was a research and teaching associate at the TUM Chair of Architectural Informatics at TUM School of Engineering and Design (2016-2021). Since 2021, Sarah has worked at the TUM GNI as a research associate and the TUM M.Sc. Information Technologies for the Built Environment (ITBE) Study Program Coordinator, where she was and is involved in the set-up and coordination of the program and student advising.
Her research interests include digital technologies in urban planning, digital urban planning public participation, automated communication and feedback in planning participation, human-computer interaction (HCI), and human-building interaction (HBI). She is writing her doctoral dissertation (PhD) on gamification in urban planning public participation at the TUM Chair of Architectural Informatics.
Journal Articles
Muehlhaus, S. L., Eghtebas, C., Seifert, N., Schubert, G., Petzold, F., & Klinker, G. (2023). Game. UP: Gamified Urban Planning Participation Enhancing Exploration, Motivation, and Interactions. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 39(2), 331-347.
Conference Articles
Jenney, S. L., Jung, H., Seif, H., & Petzold, F. (2020). Gamification as a means to improve stakeholder management in urban planning participation. In Workshop Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) 2020. TUDpress.
Narazani, M., Eghtebas, C., Klinker, G., Jenney, S. L., Mühlhaus, M., & Petzold, F. (2019, October). Extending AR interaction through 3D printed tangible interfaces in an urban planning context. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology(pp. 116-118).
Narazani, M., Eghtebas, C., Jenney, S. L., & Mühlhaus, M. (2019, September). Tangible urban models: two-way interaction through 3D printed conductive tangibles and AR for urban planning. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 320-323).
Jenney, S. L., Mühlhaus, M., & Petzold, F. (2018). Connect, Motivate, Communicate: A Foundation for Gamification in Planning Communication. In XXII CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA SOCIEDADE IBEROAMERICANA DE GRÁFICA DIGITAL.
Jenney, S. L., Mühlhaus, M., Seifert, N., Petzold, F., & Wiethoff, A. (2018). Escaping Flatlands-Interdisciplinary Collaborative Prototyping Solutions to Current Architectural Topics. In eCAADe (pp. pp-323).
Mühlhaus, M., Jenney, S. L., & Petzold, F. (2018). Take a look through my eyes: an augmented reality planning communication system. In Learning, Prototyping and Adapting, The 23rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (pp. pp-379).
Jenney, S. L., & Petzold, F. (2017). Question of Perspective: Information Visualisation in Games and its Possible Application in Planning Communication. In Future Trajectories of Computation in Design–Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures.